Item Details

Lifestyle: Nailing their 'Green Colours' to the Mast...

Issue: Vol 9 No. 1 (2004) Ecotheology 9.1 April 2004

Journal: Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture

Subject Areas: Religious Studies

DOI: 10.1558/ecotheology.v9i1.124


I’m concerned about environmental issues, I belong to a local church, but I
don’t know how I can help them weave creation-care into their life and
mission—can you help?
The article opens with stories of inspiring initiatives undertaken by
churches, and explores some common features and some differences
between the approaches and styles of churches. It outlines the framework
and resources of Eco-Congregation—an environmental toolkit for churches,
that each of the churches featured drew on. The article concludes with an
invitation to those who want to see more churches nail their environmental
colours to a mast, to start the process.

Author: David Pickering

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