Item Details

A Week is a Long Time in Chaplaincy

Issue: Vol 1 No. 1 (1998) Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy Vol 1 (1) 1998

Journal: Health and Social Care Chaplaincy

Subject Areas: Healthcare Communication

DOI: 10.1558/hscc.v1i1.4


Fred Coutts is one of the chaplains at Aberdeen Royal Hospitals. The team of 5 whole-time chaplains, together with their Roman Catholic and Episcopal colleagues provide chap-laincy services to 1500 patients, their relatives and 5500 staff in a large acute hospital, a mater-nity hospital, a children's hospital, a palliative care unit and a convalescent hospital. Fred gives us a peek into his diary for one particularly stressful week when he was on-call. (Names have been changed to preserve confidentiality)

Author: Fred Coutts

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