Item Details

Ecotheology in Search of a Context: Land's Edge in PThis article reflects the ways in which contexts can be rendered for ecotheological work, on the assumption that ecotheology and contex-tual theology are inextricably linked. To be takatrick White's Voss

Issue: Vol 6 No. 2 (2001) Ecotheology 6.1/6.2 July 2001

Journal: Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture

Subject Areas: Religious Studies

DOI: 10.1558/ecotheology.v6i2.152


This article reflects the ways in which contexts can be rendered for ecotheological work, on the assumption that ecotheology and contextual theology are inextricably linked. To be taken up into theological reflection, contexts require both mapping and creation. The dialectic of artistic images is explored in a popular religious song and Patrick White’s novel, Voss in such a way as to propose methodological directions for ecotheological work in Australia and beyond.

Author: Geoffrey Lilburne

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