Item Details

Atheist Jesus: A Revolution of Paradigms

Issue: Vol 22 No. 2 (2014)

Journal: Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism

Subject Areas: Philosophy

DOI: 10.1558/eph.v22i2.21247


This article examines Jesus of Nazareth through the lens of a theory that challenges the weak points of the two paradigms that dominate the current historical research in this field, while more effectively explaining traits ascribed to the figure of Jesus revealing an incredible humanistic profile. Anthropology, psychology and sociology will contribute in a very important way to the analyses developed in this article.

The strength of the logic based on evidence would have prevailed on propositions which were not demonstrated, nor they were necessary, whose only effectiveness was in being deeply rooted inside men’s minds.
(Frova and Maranzana 1998, 29) Galileo Galilei

Author: Nicolò Scalzo

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