Item Details

The Adoption of Zayd and the Finality of the Islamic Prophecy

Issue: Vol 11 No. 1 (2015)

Journal: Comparative Islamic Studies

Subject Areas: Religious Studies Islamic Studies

DOI: 10.1558/cis.33352


A recent book of David S. Powers, entitled Zayd: The Little Known Story of Muḥammad’s Adopted Son, casts doubts about the traditional historiography concerning the events regarding Zayd, Zaynab, the military expedition of Muʾtah, and Zayd’s son Usāma. Powers does not believe that the narratives on the foundation of Islam describe the true history of Islam. The author wants to demonstrate a close dependence of the narratives about the origins of Islam from similar Biblical events. The methodological approach of Powers leads him to give a new interpretation of Q. 33:37 such as to justify the doctrine of the finality of prophecy of Muḥammad. He believes that this verse was not revealed on the purpose to allow Muḥammad to marry the previous wife of Zayd, Zaynab, thus abolishing adoption, as it is usually understood, but rather to establish the dogma of the finality of prophecy.

Author: Agostino Cilardo

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