Item Details

Fleeting Sentiment of the Sacred: Between Public Space and Religious Territories

Issue: Vol 47 No. 1 (2018) Bulletin for the Study of Religion

Journal: Bulletin for the Study of Religion

Subject Areas: Religious Studies Buddhist Studies Islamic Studies Biblical Studies

DOI: 10.1558/bsor.33656


According to the contemporary master narratives, globalization processes entail transformations of territories such as deterritorialization , transnationalisation , and even dissolution since it affects the traditional patterns of spatiality. In the context of globalization, indeed, space might become fluid and rhizoid, but it also can be mineralized by means of frontiers . Such an empirical context requires a revision of the commonly accepted models of culture and social change, and of religious dynamics. Religions are indeed logically affected by the changes in their material, social and symbolic environments, which are reshaped by the forces of globalization and of modernization. Yet, social scientists and scholars in religion have, however, put primary emphasis on the transformations observed in the moral, social and symbolic aspects of religion, but undoubtedly, new patterns in the spatial forms and dynamics of religion are profoundly changing our perspectives on these topics .

Author: Lionel Obadia

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