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Creativity and Writing Pedagogy

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Creativity and Writing Pedagogy: Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers offers a unique view of creative practices and pedagogy in writing from the perspective of writing teachers, creativity researchers and scholars, and writers themselves. The volume, collected and edited by a poet and a scholar who are both involved in the teaching of writing, seeks to bridge between the creative writing and the academic writing communities in building a case for creativity as central to all writing programs and showcasing creative practices in writing. With this goal in mind, the book combines a practical emphasis on creativity in writing pedagogy and curriculum with research and reflections on writing practices. Part 1 frames the collection by providing the editors’ perspectives, followed by five chapters in Part 2 which take research perspectives on creativity in writing. Part 3 offers four views of writers’ creative practices, and Part 4 offers two reflections on creative writing pedagogy. Part 5 broadens the coverage on writing and creativity to include travel, testing, and curriculum development in an international context. Creativity and Writing Pedagogy is unusual in linking research and practice in writing and the teaching of writing, as well as creative writing and academic writing orientations. The collection should be of interest to all writers and teachers of writing who want to expand their knowledge of creativity and creative practices in writing and the teaching of writing.

Published: Nov 7, 2014

Book Contributors


Section Chapter Authors
Preface Harriet Levin Millan, Martha Pennington
Editors Harriet Levin Millan
Contributors Harriet Levin Millan, Martha Pennington
Part 1. Framing the Collection
1. Someone Recorded Crickets and It Sounds like Humans Singing Harriet Millan
2. Towards a Creative Writing Pedagogy Martha Pennington
Part 2. Research Perspectives on Creativity in Writing
3. Writing and Drugs Alice Flaherty
4. Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking as a Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy Fredricka Reisman
5. Detecting the Creative in Written Discourse Sky Marsen
6. Examining “Small c” Creativity in the Writing Classroom Dorothea Lasky
7. The Student as Witness: Cultivating Creativity in the Yogic Body of Research Rebecca Ingalls
Part 3. Writers’ Creative Practices
8. Keeping the Creative Pipes from Freezing: An Essay on Creativity Martha Silano
9. Beating Drums in the Caves of the Underworld: The Creative Process as a Journey into the Spirit World Laura Valeri
10. How to Write an Earthquake/Comment écrire/Mou pou 12 Janvye, edited by Beaudelaine Pierre and Nataša Ďurovičová: A Review Sonya Huber
11. Permanent Evolution: E-Literature and (R)evolutions of Authorship and Readership Emma Bolden
Part 4. Creative Writing Pedagogy
12. Using Fractals to Undermine Familiarity: Implementing Writing Pedagogy through the Operations of Shape and Chance Ravi Shankar
13. Inspiring Each Other: Student Collaboration in the Poetry Writing Workshop Lisa Sewell
Part 5. Broadening the Contexts of Creativity and Writing
14. The Creative Process and Travel Robin Hemley
15. Assessing Creativity in College through Writing Robert Sternberg
16. Internationalizing the M.F.A. in Creative Writing Rodney Jones, Xu Xi
End Matter
Author Index Harriet Levin Millan
Subject Index Harriet Levin Millan