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Book: First Civilizations

Chapter: 9 Science and technology: astronomy and medicine in Mesopotamia and Egypt

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.18663


This chapter describes the scientific, medical and technological accomplishments in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Topics include:

- celestial divination

- omen astrology

- the substitute king ritual

- the lunar calendar

- understanding the lunar month

- the 'ideal' month

- naming the constellations

- the zodiac and astrology

- horoscopic astrology

- Babylonian astrology

- astronomy and astrology in Egypt

- pyramid shafts

- the calendar and astronomy

- the civil calendar

- the lunar calendar

- Thoth and Khons

- start clocks

- the legacy of Near Eastern celestial knowledge

- disease and the rise of civilization

- medicine in Mesopotamia

- magic by sympathy and contagion

- treatment of disease in ancient Mesopotamia

- surgery

- magico- religious healers

- training

- pregnancy, childbirth and abortion

- dental care

- anatomical knowledge

- medical papyri

- traumatic injuries

- sanitation

- the transmission of medical traditions

Chapter Contributors

  • Robert Chadwick ( - book-auth-70) 'Bishop's University'