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Book: Face, Communication and Social Interaction

Chapter: 15. Significance of ‘face’ and politeness in social interaction as revealed through Thai ‘face’ idioms

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.19079


In this paper, I will first present the concept of ‘face’ according to Thai culture. I will then describe the relationship of ‘face’ to shame in the Thai context. I will then discuss how politeness involves maintaining one’s ‘face’. It is necessary to view politeness within a framework of social interaction. Ide (1989: 225) noted that linguistic politeness is realised through the use of intentional strategies that allow one’s message to be favourably received by the addressee and also through the choice of expressions that conform to the norms of speech appropriate to the situation. Norms for social politeness, as well as the underlying value and belief systems, vary across cultures. Therefore, I will discuss some key themes and politeness strategies the Thai use in their social interaction. Finally, this paper will conclude with a discussion of the conceptual framework of shame.

Chapter Contributors

  • Margaret Ukosakul ( - ukosakul) 'Payap University'