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Book: Systemic Phonology

Chapter: Chapter 12: Locating the limerick ‘Wall Street Irene’ and the sonnet ‘On his blindness’ in the semiotic space between the body as signal generator/receiver and the body as social interactant

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.24974


This chapter defines the semogenic (meaning-making) space between the body as ears and tongue, which handle sound, and as hands and feet, which carry out social activities such as recreational dancing or, more technically, performing a medical procedure on a patient. It introduces Praat software for dealing with sound, discusses the particular Praat TextGrids used in literary/linguistic analysis, and then explains rhythm of discourse, as these are used to examine the sound and wording of very different literary performances: readings of the limerick ‘Wall Street Irene’, and of John Milton’s sonnet ‘On his blindness’.

Chapter Contributors

  • William Greaves ( - wgreaves) 'Glendon College, York University, Toronto.'