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Book: Implicit Subject and Direct Object Arguments in Hungarian Language Use

Chapter: Introduction

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.32447


In the present book, I aim to study various grammatical (including lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic), general pragmatic, and particular contextual factors which license occurrences of Hungarian verbs with implicit subject and direct object arguments in an intensive interaction and guide their interpretation mechanisms, on the basis of the analyses of data from different direct sources. In addition to this main aim, I also intend to set up a typology of Hungarian verbs according to the possibilities of their occurrences with implicit arguments and reveal what motivations underlie the use of lexically unrealised arguments and what principles guide their interpretation mechanisms. The individual chapters have their own sub-aims, the achieving of which results in new conclusions compared to the previous treatment of implicit arguments in Hungarian. Furthermore, some sections also reflect on the research from a metatheoretical point of view in order to shed light on how methodological decisions can influence the process of research into implicit arguments in Hungarian and the formulation of conclusions.

Chapter Contributors

  • Enikő Németh T ( - enemeth) 'University of Szeged'