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Book: The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education

Chapter: Anyone Can be a Musician: Art School Pedagogy and the Rise of the Non-Musician

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45322


Undertaking an extensive history of UK art education, Simon Strange’s chapter draws on interviews with visual artists and musicians – to include Brian Eno, Dexter Dalwood, Gina Birch, Gaye Black, and others – to conceptualise a punk-inspired, DIY model of teaching and creating in popular music. UK art schools in the 1960s and 70s served as a breeding ground for postmodernist experimentation, where artists dismantled or “unlearned” traditional models of practice, favouring new technologies and aesthetics, and blurring the lines between visual art and popular music. Strange concludes with a vision for how popular music educators might replace more commercially focused concepts for a more expansive, art-inspired model of music-making.

Chapter Contributors

  • Simon Strange ( - sstrange) 'Bath Spa University'