Chaplaincy time management
Issue: Vol 9 No. 1 (2006) Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy Vol 9 (1) 2006
Journal: Health and Social Care Chaplaincy
Subject Areas: Healthcare Communication
DOI: 10.1558/hscc.v9i1.13
In a personal reflection based on the use of a time management tool the authors seek to answer the question often asked of chaplaincy“ what do you do?” and the question that chaplains often ask themselves “just how do I spend my time?” The chaplaincy department in an acute hospital needs to be able to demonstrate its viability and worth along side other disciplines and services. It is no longer sufficient to depend on the good will and influence of senior staff that may be sympathetic to chaplaincy. If the department is able to argue for its own worth then it allows for a strong culture of direction and effectiveness.
Author: Derek J. Fraser, Debra Gaadt