Joining Creation's Praise of God
Issue: Vol 7 No. 1 (2002) Ecotheology 7.1 July 2002
Journal: Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
Subject Areas: Religious Studies
DOI: 10.1558/ecotheology.v7i1.45
In the Bible and the Christian tradition an important aspect of the way the relationship of God, humanity and other creatures is understood is the idea that all creatures praise God and humans are to join in the praise offered by the other creatures. This theme has been misunderstood and neglected in the modern period. We should avoid distorting it in an hierarchical and anthropocentric direction, as happens in the idea that humans are the priests of creation. Instead this theme should act as a strong corrective to hierarchical and anthropocentric views of creation. It puts us among, rather than over the creatures, and encourages us to be helped in our own praise of God by appreciating the value other creatures have for God. Francis of Assisi and the eighteenth-century poet Christopher Smart are ne examplars of the way humans may join creation’s praise.
Author: Richard Bauckham