Artificial Intelligence in a German Adventure Game: Spion in PROLOG
Issue: Vol 6 No. 1 (1988)
Journal: CALICO Journal
Subject Areas:
DOI: 10.1558/cj.v6i1.9-23
Spion is an adventure game intended as a teaching tool for intermediate and advanced college German. It recognizes and 'understands' a small subset of German large enough to allow a student to play the game. To win the game, players are required to communicate with a fictitious agent in complete, correct German sentences. The version of the game described here was written in PROLOG as the natural outgrowth of a series of earlier programs. The program runs on an IBM-PC or compatible and is available at no cost for noncommercial purposes.
Author: Steven R. Molla, Alton F. Sanders, Ruth H. Sanders