A Crusader, Ottoman, and Early Modern Aegean Archaeology: Built Environment and Domestic Material Culture in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Cyclades, Greece (13th-20th Century AD), by Athanasios K. Vionis.
Issue: Vol 3 No. 2 (2016) The Sphero-conical vessel: Name, object and usage
Journal: Journal of Islamic Archaeology
Subject Areas:
A Crusader, Ottoman, and Early Modern Aegean Archaeology: Built Environment and Domestic Material Culture in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Cyclades, Greece (13th-20th Century AD), by Athanasios K. Vionis. Archaeological Studies Leiden University 22. Leiden University Press, 2012. 423pp., Pb. €69.50. ISBN-13: 9789087281779.
Author: George Manginis