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Reconfiguring Europe

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Volume 20

Europe is going through a period of sustained and extensive social, political and economic transition, with language playing a pivotal role in this complex process. The papers in this volume address key issues including: nature and extent of multilingualism and multiculturalism; the role of English in the Europe Union; language, languages and democracy; and language and literacy development in emerging contexts.

Published: Sep 1, 2006

Section Chapter Authors
Introduction Constant Leung, Jennifer Jenkins
The devil in the kaleidoscope: can Europe speak with a single voice in many languages? Arturo Tosi
Dealing with multilingualism in multicultural Europe: immigrant minority languages at home and school Guus Extra
Prospects for linguistic diversity in Europe and beyond: views from a small island Julia Sallabank
Figuring out the Englishisation of Europe Robert Phillipson
Unity in diversity: English as a lingua franca for Europe Juliane House
Data-driven learning in German for academic purposes: a corpus-based approach for specialist learners Martina Mollering
Academic language development programme (widening participation) Pascaline Scalone, Brian Street
Evaluating Europe: parameters of evaluation in the British press Monika Bednarek
Use of language: a sign and cause of alienation Natalie Braber
End Matter
Contributors Constant Leung, Jennifer Jenkins

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