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Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory

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Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory presents a collection of papers in phonology and syntax on the topic of ineffability, or absolute ungrammaticality. The papers all contribute new analyses of carefully presented cases, making the book useful for researchers exploring ineffability from any theoretical perspective. The theoretical context for the papers is the analytical challenge which these cases present for Optimality Theory. The architecture of OT takes an input and maps it onto its optimal output. But the cases analyzed in these papers would seem to invite analyses in which an input has no output whatsoever, not even an imperfect one. The papers develop various strategies for modeling this phenomenon, building on proposals in the literature such as the null parse, control theory, the null output, optimal gaps, string-based correspondence theory, and others.

Published: Jan 1, 2010


Section Chapter Authors
1 Modeling ungrammaticality Curt Rice, Sylvia Blaho
Part I: Architecture
2 Less than zero: correspondence and the null output Matthew Wolf, John McCarthy
3 Dutch diminutives and the question mark Marc van Oostendorp
4 Hard constraints in Optimality Theory Orhan Orgun, Ronald Sprouse
Part II: Paradigms
5 Lexical and morphological conditioning of paradigm gaps Adam Albright
6 A gap in the feminine paradigm of Hebrew: a consequence of identity avoidance in the suffix domain. Outi Bat-El
7 Covert and overt defectiveness in paradigms Péter Rebrus, Miklós Törkenczy
Part III: Ineffability in Syntax
8 The neutralization approach to ineffability in syntax Géraldine Legendre
9 Wh-Islands: a view from Correspondence Theory Ralf Vogel
End Matter
Language index Curt Rice, Sylvia Blaho
Author index Curt Rice, Sylvia Blaho

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