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Enclosing the Past

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This volume explores how and why people built enclosures in European prehistory, from their first appearance in the Neolithic to the creation of elaborate fortifications in the Iron Age. The articles here originated as a session at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, in 2001, and are written by well-known prehistorians from around Europe. They bring new evidence from new discoveries, and new ideas about old discoveries, to a wider discussion of issues that affect archaeologists of all periods.

Published: Jan 1, 2007


Section Chapter Authors
List of Figures, Plates and Tables John Collis
Introduction Anthony Harding, Susanne Sievers, Natalie Venclová
Chapter 1
Enclosures and Fortifications in Central Europe Evžen Neustupný
Chapter 2
Large Prehistoric Enclosures in Bohemia: The Evidence from the Air Martin Gojda
Chapter 3
Does Enclosure Make a Difference? A View from the Balkans John Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Karen Hardy
Chapter 4
Neolithic and Post-Neolithic Enclosures in Moravia in their Central European Context Valdimír Podborský, Jaromír Kovárnik
Chapter 5
The First Known Enclosures in Southern Britain: Their Nature, Function and Role, in Space and Time Roger Mercer
Chapter 6
Zambujal and the Enclosures of the Iberian Peninsula Michael Kunst
Chapter 7
Enclosing and Excluding in Bronze Age Europe Anthony Harding
Chapter 8
Defining Community: Iron, Boundaries and Transformation in Later Prehistoric Britain Richard Hingley
Chapter 9
Oppida und ihre Linearen Strukturen Susanne Sievers
Chapter 10
Spätkeltische Viereckschanzen in Süddeutschland: Unfriedung-Abgrenzung-Umwehrung Günter Wieland
Chapter 11
Enclosing, Enclosures and Elites in the Iron Age Natalie Venclová
Chapter 12
Enclosure in Iron Age Wessex Viewed from Modern Ávila John Collis
End Matter
Index John Collis