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Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics

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The book provides an introduction into a highly developed, coherent, and extensively tested cognitive linguistic approach to lexical semantics, which is not currently accessible to readers of English. This makes the book important to researchers and students in lexical semantics, in Cognitive Linguistics and beyond. It also strengthens the Cognitive Linguistics enterprise in general, by showing that the main tenets of this approach are not an incidental historical development in a particular corner of the world, but rather are arrived at by scholars working in hugely different contexts independently of each other. The book therefore has an appeal to all researchers in Cognitive Linguistics. Furthermore, the book constitutes a contribution to the intellectual exchange between international academic discourses that mostly develop independently of each other – an exchange that has often provided major impetus for scientific development, as illustrated by the influence of the belated translations of works by Bakhtin, Lotman, Vygotsky, and Luria, among others.

Published: Oct 1, 2009

Section Chapter Authors
The Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin and Anglo-American cognitive linguistics Jörg Zinken
What is cognitive ethnolinguistics? Jerzy Bartminski
Linguistic worldview and how to reconstruct it Jerzy Bartminski
Values as the foundation of linguistic worldview Jerzy Bartminski
The stereotype as an object of linguistic description Jerzy Bartminski
The ‘cognitive definition’ in the description of stereotypes Jerzy Bartminski
Viewpoint, perspective, and linguistic worldview Jerzy Bartminski
Profiling and the subject-oriented interpretation of the world Jerzy Bartminski
The subject’s viewpoint(s) in language, text, and discourse Jerzy Bartminski
The stereotype of the sun in folk Polish Jerzy Bartminski
The Polish stereotype of the mother: towards a cognitive definition Jerzy Bartminski
The Polish DOM (house/home) in its physical, social, and cultural aspects Jerzy Bartminski
The Polish OJCZYZNA (homeland): its base stereotype and ideological profiles Jerzy Bartminski
Changes in the Polish stereotype of ‘a German’ Jerzy Bartminski
Prawica ‘right wing’ and lewica ‘left wing’: profiles in contemporary discourse Jerzy Bartminski
Varieties of fate: the Polish los and dola; the Russian sud’ba Jerzy Bartminski
The conception of the linguistic worldview in comparative research Jerzy Bartminski
End Matter
Afterword Jerzy Bartminski
References Jerzy Bartminski
Index Jerzy Bartminski

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'This book is a valuable resource for researchers and students in lexical semantics, discourse and intercultural communication. In this book, the English-language audience interested in cognitive linguistic approaches and semantics in general will find valuable information regarding Slavic data and the development of Slavic semantic thought. The case studies presented in the book can certainly serve as a great inspiration for future cross-cultural semantic analyses.'
Studies in Language

'The book presents a condensed but very detailed and highly informative description of the main tenets at the core of cognitive ethnolinguistics. [It] is a much welcome contribution to (English-reading) academia, and it will be of particular interest for scholars working in the diverse fields of cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics and intercultural semantics/communication.'
Linguist List
23.3940, September 2012

'After reading Bartminski's book, it will be difficult to go along the traditional, trodden paths, as if nothing would have happened. Let us then change our way of doing linguistics or, better, let us get back the good old traditions in their new form. And let us thank the translator, the editor and the publisher for making this excellent collection accessible to all cognitive linguists.'
Enrique Bernardez, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 8:2 (December 2010)