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Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism

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Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism introduces readers to current research in Optimality Theory that involves a reconsideration of two of Prince and Smolensky’s (1993/2004) basic architectural decisions. One is the choice of constraint ranking over the numerically weighted constraints of OT’s predecessor, Harmonic Grammar. The other is the choice of parallel evaluation over a version of OT in which the representation is changed and evaluated iteratively – Harmonic Serialism.

The contributions in this volume explore the consequences for phonological theory of adopting serial evaluation, weighted constraints, or both. Because the volume contains both introductory material and the latest research, the intended audience encompasses advanced undergraduates, graduate students and professionals in the field. Although the content is mainly phonological, the book will also be of use to researchers in OT syntax and computational linguistics.

Published: Sep 15, 2016


Section Chapter Authors
Preface John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater
Part 1: Introductions to Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism
1. Universal Grammar with Weighted Constraints Joe Pater
2. The Theory and Practice of Harmonic Serialism John J. McCarthy
Part 2: Analysis and Typology
3. Cross-level Interactions in Harmonic Serialism John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater, Kathryn Pruitt
4. Parallelism vs. Serialism, or Constraints vs. Rules? Tongan Stress and Syllabification Revisited Minta Elsman
5. Serial Restrictions on Feature/Stress Interactions Robert Staubs
6. Positional Constraints in Optimality Theory and Harmonic Grammar Karen Jesney
7. Positive Constraints and Finite Goodness in Harmonic Serialism Wendell Kimper
8. Contexts for Epenthesis in Harmonic Serialism Claire Moore-Cantwell
9. Stress-epenthesis Interactions in Harmonic Serialism Emily Elfner
10. Compensatory and Opaque Vowel Lengthening in Harmonic Serialism Francese Tamarit
11. Cyclicity and Non-cyclicity in Maltese: Local Ordering of Phonology and Morphology in OT-CC Matthew Wolf
Part 3: Learning
12. Learning Serial Constraint-based Grammars Robert Staubs
13. Convergence Properties of a Gradual Learning Algorithm for Harmonic Grammar Paul Boersma, Joe Pater
End Matter
Subject Index John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater
Language Index John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater

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This volume is a welcome introduction to key questions related to Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism. Since both HG and HS are in their incipient stages, this book should be welcomed by both seasoned phonologists as well as students of phonology.