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This volume offers an introduction to scholarly discourses on gender in academic studies of religion. It fills a gap in the pedagogical literature and is reflective of the critical scholarly literature in the fields of gender studies and religious studies, a body of literature whose themes, possibilities, limitations, and future are discussed. Each chapter introduces a conceptual or analytical knot that requires confronting and untangling, both in the classroom and in the scholarship on gender and religion. The volume also includes as an appendix an annotated bibliography of books for use in the classroom.

Published: Oct 1, 2026


Section Chapter Authors
Introduction K. Merinda Simmons
Chapter 1
Sex/Gender K. Merinda Simmons
Chapter 2
Exotic/Familiar K. Merinda Simmons
Chapter 3
Rhetoric/Politics K. Merinda Simmons
Chapter 4
Authority/Experience K. Merinda Simmons
Conclusion K. Merinda Simmons