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Aging in an Aging Society

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This volume presents contributions from academics, practitioners and researchers who reflect on aging and argue that while the financial impact of aging appears to be receiving increased attention, the more personal, familial and communal consequences of aging must also be examined. This collection delves further into the topic of aging as both personal and social phenomenon.

The perspectives the papers engage with range from theoretical to applied. This demonstrates how those perspectives can and must engage with each other. From the invisibility of aging persons, to the manner in which discourses of aging-well rely on normative assumptions, to the ways in which we engage with persons with dementia, to the responsibility of providing care locally and across borders, this collection endeavours to advance aging as a positive challenge that can enrich us all.

Published: Oct 18, 2019

Section Chapter Authors
Acknowledgements Iva Apostolova, Monique Lanoix
A Note of Acknowledgment to Monique Iva Apostolova
Introduction Iva Apostolova, Monique Lanoix
Part One: Hospitality and the Embodied Self
1. The Ethics of Hospitality: Reflections on Aging Sophie Cloutier
2. The Other within Us: Reframing, with Spinoza, the Self’s Relationship to Disability and Aging Iva Apostolova, Elaina Gauthier-Mamaril
Part Two: Aging and the Loss of Presence
3. Aging and the Loss of Social Presence Christine Overall
4. LGBT Elders, Isolation, and Loneliness: An Existential Analysis Tim Johnston
5. Aging and Aesthetic Responsibility Elizabeth Lanphier-Barone
Part Three: Dependence and Independence in the Context of Care and Aging
6. Fostering a ‘Community of Care’: Supporting a Shared Experience of Aging in Co-housing Magdalena Goemans
7. Dependency and Vulnerability in the Twenty-First Century: The Swedish Case Hildur Kalman
8. Caring Across Borders: Lessons from Transnational Families Marta Rodríguez-Galán
Part Four: Critical Perspectives on Aging
9. The Missing Voices in Aging-Well Frameworks: A Postcolonial Critique Lauren Brooks-Cleator, Audrey Giles
End Matter
Index Iva Apostolova


In Aging in an Aging Society Apostolova and Lanoix present a series of papers that explore our understanding of our individual perception of aging, our societal perception and the implications this has on how care is delivered to the aged. In doing so, by revealing the foundations of the issue, they add not only clarity to an issue that we cannot afford to ignore, they reinforce the relevance of philosophy in public discourse. The authors demonstrate that philosophy is more than simply an academic pursuit; on the contrary, it repositions itself in the centre of a debate on aging where it can resume its role in advancing understanding of the world and our place in it. As we continue to navigate the implications of COVID-19, we overlook expertise at our own peril. Aging in an Aging Society offers more than just insight, it affirms that the reach of philosophy extends beyond the ivory tower. It confirms that the medium is the message.
Science et Esprit