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Ritual and Democracy

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Ritual and Democracy explores the complex intersections of ritual and democracy in a range of contemporary, cultural and geographic contexts.
This transdisciplinary and theoretically innovative volume emerged out of a workshop held at the Open University in London, organized as part of the inter­national research project, “Reassembling Democracy: Ritual as Cultural Resource”, funded by the Norwegian Research Council and led by Jone Salomonsen. The seven research-led chapters presented here document entanglements of the religious and the secular in political assembly and iconoclastic protest, of affect and belonging in pilgrimage and church ritual, and politics and identity in performances of self and culture. Across the essays emerges a conception of ritual less as scripts for generating stability than as improvisational spaces and as catalysts for change.

Published: Sep 1, 2020

Section Chapter Authors
Acknowledgements Sarah Pike, Jone Salomonsen, Paul-Francois Tremlett
Introduction Sarah Pike, Jone Salomonsen, Paul-Francois Tremlett
Part 1: Protests
1. Rituals of Resistance and the Struggle over Democracy in Turkey Agnes Czajka
2. A Tale of Two Energies: The Political Agency of Things Paul-Francois Tremlett
3. Making Ritual Enactments Political: Free Speech after the Charlie Hebdo Attacks Zaki Nahaboo
Part 2: Publics
4. Affective Communitas and Sacred Geography: Mapping Place and Movement in Norwegian Pilgrimage Marion Grau
5. How to Do Things with Rituals, or Disrupting Protestant Lutheran Theology: Converting Refugees and the Eucharist Gitte Buch-Hansen
Part 3: Performances
6. Dances of Self-development as a Resource for Participatory Democracy Michael Houseman, Marie Mazzella di Bosco
7. Trans-Indigenous Festivals: Democracy and Emplacement Graham Harvey
End Matter
Index Sarah Pike, Jone Salomonsen, Paul-Francois Tremlett