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The Hunt for Ancient Israel

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The Hunt for Ancient Israel celebrates the contribution of Diana V. Edelman to the field of biblical studies and celebrates her personally as researcher, teacher, mentor, colleague, and mastermind of new research paths and groups. It salutes her unconventional, constant thinking and rethinking outside the box, and her challenging of established consensuses. This volume includes essays addressing biblical themes and texts, archaeological fieldwork, historical method, social memory and reception history. Contributors include Yairah Amit, James S. Anderson, Bob Becking, Ehud Ben Zvi, Kåre Berge, Anne Fitzpatrick-McKinley, Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher, Lester L. Grabbe, Philippe Guillaume, David Hamidović, Lowell K. Handy, Maria Häusl, Kristin Joachimsen, Christoph Levin, Aren M. Maeir, Reinhard Müller, Jorunn Økland, Daniel Pioske, Thomas Römer, Benedetta Rossi, Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Jason Silverman, Steinar Aandahl Skarpnes, Pauline A. Viviano, and Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter.

Published: Jun 24, 2022

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Front Matter
Abbreviations Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Kristin Joachimsen, Ehud Ben Zvi, Pauline Viviano
Introduction Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Kristin Joachimsen, Ehud Ben Zvi, Pauline Viviano
Chapter 1
The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17) as an Identity Marker of Nascent Judaism Thomas Römer
Chapter 2
Pain, Gain, or Both? Circumcision, Trauma, and (R)Emasculation in Post-Exlic Israel Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
Chapter 3
Remembering the Roles of Mother, Wives and Daughter in the Formation of the Identity and Story of Israel in Genesis 25–36 Steinar Skarpnes
Chapter 4
The Joseph Story: Between a Family and a Polemical Story Yairah Amit
Chapter 5
Shibboleth: Folklore and Redaction-History Christoph Levin
Chapter 6
A Masterpiece of Early Hebrew Storytelling: The Seance at En-Dor (1 Samuel 28) Reinhard Müller
Chapter 7
The Irrevocable Word of God (1 Kings 13:1–32) Pauline Viviano
Chapter 8
The Pragmatic Challenge to Moses: Jeremiah 30:1-4 in Light of Deuteronomy Benedetta Rossi
Chapter 9
Dating Haggai: Or Reframing the Context of a Prophetic Book Bob Becking
Chapter 10
It's All in the Lists! Building the Community through the Lists in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah Maria Häusl
Chapter 11
References to Josiah in the Chronicles' Narrative Lowell Handy
Chapter 12
Keys to the Past? Archaeological Correlates of Social and Cultural Memory from the Ancient Levant Aren Maeir
Chapter 13
Putting One's House in Order: Household Archaeology at Tell Halif, Israel Cynthia Shafer-Elliott
Chapter 14
Jericho by Qumran and Qumran by Jericho in Late Antiquity: A Multispectral Cultural Landscape through the New Cultural Studies David Hamidovic
Chapter 15
Kings Saul, David, and Arthur: On Writing a History of the 'Dark Age' Lester Grabbe
Chapter 16
The Appearance of Hebrew Prose and the Fabric of History Daniel Pioske
Chapter 17
If I Ever Forget You, Benjamin... James Anderson, Philippe Guillaume
Chapter 18
“He Shall Accomplish My Desired Will”: The Yehudized Cyrus in the Book of Isaiah Kristin Joachimsen
Chapter 19
Where a Shattered Visage Lies? Warrants for Authority in Persian Yehud Jason Silverman
Chapter 20
The Production of Literature in Judean Military Communities in Egypt Anne Fitzpatrick-McKinley
Chapter 21
Praying History: Taking a Joyful Leap of Trust Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher
Chapter 22
Cultural Memory, Identity, and the Past Kåre Berge
Chapter 23
Alexander as a Site of Memory in Hellenistic Judah in the Context of Mnemonic Appropriations of ‘High-Value’ Outsiders Ehud Ben Zvi
Chapter 24
Women’s Bravery: Jane Dieulafoy, Queen Parysatis, and the Reception of the Persian Empire in Nineteenth-Century France Jorunn Okland
End Matter
List of Diana V. Edelman's Publications Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Kristin Joachimsen, Ehud Ben Zvi, Pauline Viviano
Index of Authors Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Kristin Joachimsen, Ehud Ben Zvi, Pauline Viviano
Index of Ancient Textual Sources Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Kristin Joachimsen, Ehud Ben Zvi, Pauline Viviano


If the history of scholarship has shown us anything, it’s just how insightful historical investigation can be—so long as the guild is committed to reconsidering old ideas and infusing the conversation with novel methodologies. This festschrift is an example of the freshness that can characterize historical investigations and the study of ancient historiography. While some essays are shorter than others and create the impression that they are more tangential ideas rather than fully developed theses, and while there is a detectable fascination with the implications of the Persian period for ancient Israel’s historical consciousness in many of the essays, all of them contribute something to the historical conversation of ancient Israel. Consequently, this volume is a worthy celebration of Edelman, and it is one that will further her influence well beyond her immediate sphere.
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly