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A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy

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This first of its kind sourcebook brings together sixty leading contemporary philosophers and translators in order to highlight the depth, diversity, and creativity of non-Western philosophical traditions. It does so by featuring the major ideas, themes, and arguments of Africana, Buddhist, Confucian, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Latin American, Mesoamerican, Native American, and Taoist philosophy through translations of nearly one hundred philosophical texts from sixteen different languages (namely, Arabic, Aramaic, Chinese, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Judeo-Arabic, Korean, Maasai, Mayan, Persian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tibetan, Turkish, and Urdu). The volume also contains several key works of global philosophy originally written in English. Topics covered include metaphysics, cosmology, epistemology, philosophy of language, logic, ethics, storytelling, philosophy of religion, selfhood, death, and freedom. A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy will prove to be indispensable to all students and teachers of philosophy, religion, and comparative literature.

Published: Apr 15, 2025

Book Contributors


Section Chapter Authors
Foreword Roger T. Ames
Preface and Acknowledgements Mohammed Rustom
List of Figures Mohammed Rustom
I Origins, Existence, Cosmos
1. The Great Treatise of the Yijing Joseph A. Adler
2. Dao as the Origin Robert A. Carleo III
3. Nāgārjuna: Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way - Tsongkhapa: Ocean of Reasoning Jay L. Garfield
4. Āryadeva: Treatise on the Division of Parts Jan Westerhoff
5. Śaṅkara: The Commentary on the Aphorisms of Brahman Swami Gambhirananda, Swami Medhananda
6. Zhang Junfang: The Discourse on Primordial Energy Livia Kohn
7. Avicenna: The Healing Davlat Dadikhuda
8. Zhou Dunyi: Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate Bryan Van Norden, Justin Tiwald
9. Cao Wenyi: The Song of the Ultimate Source of the Great Dao Robin R. Wang
10. Maimonides: The Guide of the Perplexed - Asher Crescas, Efodi, and Shem Tov: Commentaries on The Guide of the Perplexed James T. Robinson
11. Ibn al-Fāriḍ: The Versification of the Wayfaring - Saʿīd al-Dīn Farghānī: The Final End of the Perceptual Tools William C. Chittick
12. Mullā Ṣadrā: The Book of Metaphysical Penetrations and The Four Noetic Journeys - ʿAbd Allāh Javādī Āmulī: The Sealed Wine Muhammad U. Faruque
13. Liu Zhi: Nature and Principle in Islam Sachiko Murata
14. René Guénon: The Multiple States of Being Gregory Vandamme
15. Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine Swami Medhananda
16. Thomas Yellowtail: Acbadadea, The Maker of All Things Above Michael Fitzgerald
II Knowledge, Language, Logic
17. Xunzi: Xunzi Winnie Sung
18. Īśvarakṛṣṇa: Verses on Enumeration Mikel Burley
19. Al-Fārābī: The Book of Letters Rosabel Ansari
20. Prabhācandra: The Sun that Makes the Lotus of the Object of Knowledge Blossom Marie-Hélène Gorisse
21. Nāṣir-i Khusraw: The Traveler’s Provision Khalil Andani
22. Al-Ghazālī: The Intentions of the Philosophers - Moses Narboni: Commentary on The Intentions of the Philosophers Yonatan Shemesh
23. ʿAyn al-Quḍāt: The Essence of Reality Mohammed Rustom
24. Rāmānujācārya: The Essence of the System: Book on Language Elisa Freschi
25. Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī: The Philosophy of Illumination Jari Kaukua
26. Isaac ibn Latif: Treasures of the King James T. Robinson
27. Tanḥum ha-Yerushalmi: Introduction to Ecclesiastes Raphael Dascalu
28. Jayatīrtha: The Nectar of Logic Michael T. Williams
29. Charles Eastman: The Great Mystery Michael Fitzgerald
30. Keiji Nishitani: The Duty of Critique and the Problem of Fascism Melanie Coughlin
31. Mou Zongsan: Appearances and Things-in-Themselves David Elstein
32. Oludamini Ogunnaike: On Africana Philosophy Mohammed Rustom
III Ethics, Praxis, Aesthetics
33. Confucius: The Analects Winnie Sung, Peimin Ni
34. Mencius: The Mencius Winnie Sung
35. The Essential Precepts of Master Redpine Livia Kohn
36. Sun Simiao: On Happiness and Long Life Livia Kohn
37. Patañjali: Yogasūtra Christopher Key Chapple
38. Śāntideva: How to Lead an Awakened Life - Gyeltsap: Introduction to How to Lead an Awakened Life Jay L. Garfield
39. Abū Bakr al-Rāzī: The Philosophical Way of Life Peter Adamson
40. Abraham Maimonides: The Worshippers’ Sufficiency Raphael Dascalu
41. Isaac Ibn Latif: Gate of Heaven James T. Robinson
42. Madhusūdana Sarasvatī: The Elixir of Devotion Shankar Nair
43. Charles Eastman: The Moral Code Michael Fitzgerald
44. Kim Iryŏp: Meditation and the Attainment of the Mind Jin Y. Park
45. Hilmi Ziya Ülken: Ethics of Love Taraneh Wilkinson, Recep Alpyağıl
46. Bābā Ẓahīn Shāh Tājī, Signs of Beauty Amer Latif
47. Ngaimarish ole Mulo: Wisdom, Conflict Resolution, and Peace Gail Presbey, Daniel Sasine
48. Seyyed Hossein Nasr: The Garden of Truth Justin Cancelliere
IV Ultimate Reality, Religion, Scripture
49. Laozi: The Classic of the Way and Potency Alexus McLeod
50. Akṣapāda Gautama: Nyāya-sūtra - Pakṣilasvāmin Vātsyāyana and Uddyotakara: Commentaries on the Nyāya-sūtra Matthew R. Dasti, Stephen Phillips
51. Sima Chengzhen: The Discourse on Dao and Its Embodiment Livia Kohn
52. Saadia Gaon: Commentary on Genesis Adi Shiran
53. Isaac Ibn Ghiyath: Commentary on Ecclesiastes James T. Robinson
54. Ibn Ṭufayl: Living, Son of the Awake Taneli Kukkonen
55. Rāmānuja: Commentary on the Bhagavadgītā - Veṅkaṭanātha: Shedding Light on the Contextual Meaning of the Bhagavadgītā Elisa Freschi
56. Lu Xiangshan: Recorded Sayings Philip J. Ivanhoe
57. Ibn Kammūna: The New Wisdom Bakinaz Abdalla
58. Dāwūd al-Qayṣarī: On Recognizing Real Love Noah H. Taj
59. Jalāl al-Dīn Dawānī: The New Treatise on Establishing the Necessary Being Davlat Dadikhuda
60. The Chilam Balam of Chumayel Alexus McLeod
61. Bartolomé Herrera: On the Sovereignty of the Intelligence Armando Montoya Jordán, Rafael Augusto Campos García-Calderón
62. Swami Vivekananda: Practical Vedanta Swami Medhananda
63. Wāṣif ʿAlī Wāṣif: Separation and Union Amer Latif
64. Thomas Yellowtail: Make Your Choice Michael Fitzgerald
V Selfhood, Death, Liberation
65. Vasubandhu: The Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma Charles Goodman
66. Candrakīrti: Introduction to the Middle Way and Its Autocommentary Jay L. Garfield
67. Saraha: The Deathless Body Treasury Diamond Song Lara Braitstein, Julia Stenzel
68. Haribhadrasūri: Introduction to the Doctrine of Non-One-Sidedness Anil Mundra
69. Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇtha: An Examination of Self and God Alex Watson
70. Cheng Yi: What Kind of Learning Was It that Yanzi Loved? Philip J. Ivanhoe
71. Zeng Cao: The Transmission of the Dao from Zhongli to Lü Livia Kohn
72. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī: The Lofty Pursuits Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed
73. Ibn ʿArabī: The Meccan Openings Amer Latif
74. Tanḥum ha-Yerushalmi: Commentary on the Song of Songs Raphael Dascalu
75. Maḥmūd Shabistarī: The Rosegarden of Mystery - Shams al-Dīn Lāhījī: Keys to the Wonderous Exposition Mukhtar H. Ali
76. Hakuin: The Sound of One Hand Masayo Suemura
77. Charles Eastman: On the Border-Land of Spirits Michael Fitzgerald
78. Black Elk: The Keeping of the Soul Michael Fitzgerald
79. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: The Hindu View of Life Swami Medhananda
80. Luis Villoro: The Origin and Task of Existentialism in Mexico Carlos Alberto Sánchez
End Matter
Appendix 1: Timeline of Philosophers Mohammed Rustom
Appendix 2: Sourcebook Contributors Mohammed Rustom
Appendix 3: Some Suggested Titles in Global Philosophy Mohammed Rustom


In an age where the global and the philosophical are increasingly flattened, this precious book has two immense merits. The first is to free philosophy from parochial European and North American reductive views of it that are largely characterized by an overemphasis on rationality and individualism. The second is to contribute to the reintroduction, and hopefully restoration, of the highest meaning of philosophy as the love of wisdom and as the way leading to it.
Patrick Laude, Georgetown University

A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy challenges the attempt to restrict the expression of philosophy to prose texts and/or the view that attributes the ability to philosophize to merely one subsection of the human population. This work will be a rich source for those seeking to learn about world philosophies, diversify their understanding of academic philosophy, and reorient their ways of being and thinking.
Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach, VU University Amsterdam

Mohammed Rustom’s sourcebook joins Bryan Van Norden’s Taking Back Philosophy as one of the most significant steps forward for global philosophy over the past decade. This diverse collection of primary sources in translation challenges cultural assumptions that have long plagued philosophy departments worldwide. If philosophy seeks to be free from the shackles of European and American ethnocentrism, A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy is the model to follow.
Cyrus Ali Zargar, University of Central Florida

Without dialogue, a contemporary philosopher warns, philosophy reduces to dogma. The ancients knew this to be true, of individuals as well as traditions. Which is why the Buddhist ruler Aśoka once said that there ought to be a desire to listen and to learn from philosophy in many traditions, if one wishes to exemplify success in one’s own. This excellent Sourcebook in Global Philosophy can help to seed the necessary desire, and to practice the kinds of dialogue so long valued by philosophers across the globe.
Sonam Kachru, Yale University