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Religion and Marxism

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This concise and accessible introduction brings the writings of Marx and Engels and later thinkers in the Marxist tradition including Althusser, Gramsci, the Frankfurt School as well as Liberation Theologians such as Gutierrez and Maduro, into focus in relation to questions of religion, social change and social justice. Marx was a nineteenth century thinker trying to develop a theory that could explain the dramatic social and technological changes that he lived through. Later thinkers modified and developed key elements of Marx’ theoretical model, with religion – particularly Christianity – providing a vital point of critical self-reflection for thinkers in the Marxist tradition. This book tracks these modifications and developments to Marx’ ideas, and their continuing relevance to contemporary debates about religion, social change and social justice.

Published: Aug 29, 2023

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Preface Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 1
Introducing Marx Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 2
Marx: Religion, Ideology, Power, and Change Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 3
Engels: The First Marxist Historian and Anthropologist of Religion Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 4
Hegemony, Ideology, and Religion: Althusser, Gramsci, and the Embrace of Uncertainty Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 5
The Frankfurt School: Horkheimer, Habermas, and Religion Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 6
Marxism and Liberation Theology Paul-Francois Tremlett
Chapter 7
Conclusions Paul-Francois Tremlett
End Matter
Glossary Paul-Francois Tremlett
References Paul-Francois Tremlett
About the Author Paul-Francois Tremlett
Index Paul-Francois Tremlett