Subjugated Voices and Religion
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This critical and timely volume emerged from a conference on Subjugated Voices and Religion. It brings marginalized voices to the center of religious studies, theological and spirituality discourses. The volume is co-edited by two scholarly friends who are a Jew and a Muslim Feminists. The main thread of the essays are the contextualization of different ways religion plays in subjugated contexts. The articles are an act of resistance. They speak truth to distortions and stereotyping. The act of scholarship and the retrieval of subjugated knowledge is a rebuke to repression. Articles are written by prominent professors such as Rosemary Radford Ruether and emerging scholars in the fields of Religious Studies, Theology, Feminist Theology, Jewish Studies, Holocaust studies, Muslim Studies, Chinese Studies, Latinx Studies, Women and Gender Studies, Women History, Disability Studies, Feminist Studies, Religion and Ecology, Queer Studies, Womanist Studies, and Religion.
Published: Aug 1, 2025