Pentecostal Migration in Secular Sweden
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Around the globe, migrant communities are being established in modern, Western societies where they are creating new, vital Pentecostal churches, worship groups, and religious communities. Among other locations, this mainly cosmopolitan movement is visible in the Norden part of Europe, dramatically changing the religious landscape of formerly more homogenous societies.
This book analyzes this global phenomenon from different disciplinary perspectives, with the Swedish capital Stockholm as an example. The analysis builds on extensive field-work in one Arabic, one African, and one Latin American Pentecostal church in Stockholm. A demographic mapping of the rise of International Pentecostal churches and other migrant churches in Sweden is also included. New knowledge about these ongoing transformations of the religious landscape in urban Sweden, gives perspectives on the global cosmopolitan religious change.
Published: Oct 1, 2025
I am more than pleased to recommend this volume, which looks in detail at three groups of Pentecostal Christians who have settled in the Stockholm area. The book concludes with a series of interesting reflections from Pentecostal scholars from different parts of the world.
From the Foreword by Grace Davie, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Exeter