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Book: Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice

Chapter: 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Interactive frames and knowledge schemas 3.3 Frames and footings illustrated 3.4 Trust 3.5 Summary

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.20467


The chapter highlights the fact that both knowledge and expectations play a key role in communication in healthcare settings. . Framing such knowledge and expectations turns out to be very relevant when exploring interactions between members of a team who have worked together for a long time or professionals who are working together for the first time. Footing provides a means of describing the particular alignment adopted by one participant at any given moment with respect to the other participants. 

Another concept grounded in expectations about another person’s behaviour is trust. Trust is considered here just one example of the way in which trust is built up or eroded through interactional choices of participants. 

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