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Book: Chasing Down Religion

Chapter: The First Shall be Last: The Gospel of Mark after the First Century

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.22730


Despite enormous labours over more than a century on pin-pointing the geographical and social setting for the originary composition of the Gospel of Mark, what John Donahue concluded twelve years ago is still the case: “there is no consensus on the setting of Mark, nor is there a method agreed upon for describing the social make up of a community on the basis of the text”. Professor Braun discusses the evidence and attempts which have been made to locate the Gospel of Mark in time and place.

Chapter Contributors

  • Willi Braun ([email protected] - willibraun) 'Department of History and Classics/Program of Religious Studies and Director of the Program of Religious Studies Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.'