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Book: Marine Ventures

Chapter: 13. Icescapes and Archaeology: Interactions Above and Below Zero

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.24564


Ice is the defining feature of the Arctic. Lake, river and sea ice, as well as frozen ground – permafrost – characterize and dominate the Arctic environment. Ice is the crucial medium for travel and subsistence for Arctic inhabitants, and understanding of this material has enabled human occupation of the region. However, baseline data regarding the significance of ice for buried and submerged cultural resource sites is lacking. The need for study and conceptual awareness of the medium is critical, especially as Arctic regions and resources are impacted by rapidly changing climatic conditions.

Chapter Contributors

  • Jason Rogers ([email protected] - jrogers) 'University of Exeter, Department of Archaeology, Exeter, UK. Northern Land Use Research Alaska, LLC (Anchorage, Alaska)'