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Book: Layering and Directionality

Chapter: Prosodic Layering

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.25097


Chapter 3 begins to establish the motivation for Weak Bracketing (Hyde 2002) by examining the Odd-Parity Input Problem (Hyde 2012b) in Weak Layering (Itô and Mester 1992) accounts. The Odd-Parity Input Problem is a set of problematic predictions that arise under Weak Layering in an effort to achieve exhaustive binary parsing in odd-parity forms. It can result in an unusual type of quantity-sensitivity or in the systematic conversion of odd-parity inputs into even-parity outputs.

Examinations of quantity-insensitive patterns in the literature typically proceed under an idealized condition: all syllables are treated as if they are light. As a result, distinctions in syllable weight are not actually considered. Chapter 3 begins an examination of the effects of weight distinctions in Weak Layering accounts by reconsidering the predictions of Symmetrical Alignment (McCarthy and Prince 1993) and Iterative Foot Optimization (Pruitt 2010). When syllabic weight distinctions are taken into account, the unusual quantity-sensitivity of the Odd-Parity Input Problem emerges. In Symmetrical Alignment, heavy syllables are parsed as monosyllabic feet but only if they are in an odd-numbered position in an odd-parity form. In Iterative Foot Optimization, heavy syllables are parsed as monosyllabic feet but only if they are the last syllable in an odd-parity form to have their parsing status determined.

Topic include: 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The OPIP in Symmetrical Alignment; 3.3 The OPIP in Iterative Foot Optimization; 3.4 Summary

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