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Book: Layering and Directionality

Chapter: Alternative Weak Layering Accounts

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.25101


Chapter 4 completes the examination of the effects of the Odd-Parity Input Problem (Hyde 2012b) begun in Chapter 3. It examines the effects of the problem in two additional Weak Layering accounts: Asymmetrical Alignment (Alber 2005) and Rhythmic Licensing (Kager 2005). These two approaches differ from those considered in Chapter 3 in that they rely less on alignment constraints to produce directional parsing effects and more on principles, such as clash and lapse avoidance, that promote rhythmic well-formedness. The chapter demonstrates the effects of the Odd-Parity Input Problem become more exotic in Weak Layering accounts as the role of alignment is reduced. Topics include: 4.1 Asymmetrical Alignment; 4.2 Asymmetrical Alignment and the OHP; 4.3 Rhythmic Licensing; 4.4 The OHP in Rhythmic Licensing; 4.5 Summary

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