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Book: Layering and Directionality

Chapter: Restricting Clash and Lapse

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.25106


Chapter 5 discusses the three components of the proposed approachWeak Bracketing (Hyde 2002), Optimal Mapping (Hyde 2002), and Relation-Specific Alignment (Hyde 2012a)in fuller detail and carefully examines the approach’s predictions. First, the chapter demonstrates that Weak Bracketing allows the proposal to avoid the effects Odd-Parity Input Problem (Hyde 2012b) discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. The ability of disyllabic feet to overlap allows for exhaustive binary parsing of odd-parity forms in a way that does not result in the problematic patterns that arise under Weak Layering. The chapter then demonstrates how Weak Bracketing combines with Relation-Specific Alignment and Optimal Mapping to provide the foundation for an effective analysis of quantity-insensitive binary patterns. It also explores the role of two asymmetrically formulated constraints: INITIAL-GRIDMARK (Prince 1983), which insists that initial syllables be stressed, and NON-FINALITY (Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004), which insists that final syllables be stressless. INITIAL-GRIDMARK and NON-FINALITY play a key role in predicting iambic-trochaic asymmetries. Topics include: 5.1 Conditions and Constraints; 5.2 Avoiding the Odd-Parity Input Problem; 5.3 Outline of the Crucial Rankings for Binary Patterns; 5.4 Minimal Alternation and its Variants; 5.5 Maximal Alternation and its Variants; 5.6 Summary of Predicted Patterns

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