Book: Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice
Chapter: 3. Lord over this Whole World: Agency and Philosophy in Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad
Anna-Pya Sjödin addresses the conceptualization of agency in Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad by outlining the metaphors used in this text to capture notions of sacrificial and epistemological agency. At the same time as this Upaṇiṣadic text elaborates the then-emerging ideas of self (ātman) and the consequences of knowing thatself, it also carries impressions of discussions and speculations that were formulated within a culture of sacrificial ritual. Traces of the Upaṇiṣadic expressions are then shown to have a structural continuity in later systematic philosophy, a continuity expressed mostly in terms of epistemological agency and formulated within a discourse on the self as the acting and knowing subject.