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Book: Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Chapter: I Won the Fight --1984-2006

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.28122


In 1984 Billy along with a number of other UK acts are in the USA for a tour to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the British Invasion. He notices a difference between the way the music scene had developed in Britain compared to the USA where the artists were treated with respect by audiences who knew the history and showed plenty of enthusiasm. Meets Roni, who will become his second wife and while on tour stops taking pills but continues drinking. Back in the UK, Billy senses that his professional and emotional future might lie in North America. He accepts a gig in Canada, bases himself on Long Island making trips back home to see his family but the marriage ends and Billy moves permanently to America and begins to address his addiction once and for all. Marries Roni and begins touring again in the UK and USA where Billy had been building up his own circuit including gigs in New Mexico where he and Roni eventually buy a second home.

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