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Book: Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe

Chapter: TTent, Hut or House? A Discussion on Early Mesolithic Dwellings in Light of the Site Mohalsen 2012-II, Vega, Northern Norway

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.30732


Our research excavation of the site Mohalsen 2012-II on Vega in northern Norway presented us with the remains of a pioneer age dwelling believed to have been in use during the last part of the Early Mesolithic (EM) period, c. 9100 BP (8300 cal. BC). Our review of other excavated Norwegian EM dwellings reveal (with some exceptions) that the observable remains are typically somewhat indistinct, context dependent features; interpretations often involve areas cleared of stones and/or sharply defined lithics concentrations. Their characteristics fit a highly mobile lifestyle pattern and the use of fully portable tents. In contrast, the Mohalsen 2012-II dwelling remains showed a solid structure of 98 cobbles surrounding a distinct fireplace and a form of culture layer, but few artifacts. Our excavation aimed at sorting out the character of this dwelling in order to explore how the distinction between the remains of a tent and a more permanent dwelling might materialize in the archaeological record, and how the site related to the changes in logistics and settlement systems documented at Vega from the Early to the Middle Mesolithic.

Chapter Contributors

  • Silje Fretheim ([email protected] - SiljeFretheim) 'Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)'
  • Hein Bjerck ([email protected] - heinbjerck) 'Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)'
  • Heidi Breivik ([email protected] - HBreivik) 'Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)'
  • A. Francisco J. Zangrando ([email protected] - afjZangrando) 'Laboratorio de Antropologíia, Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientíificas, CONICET'