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Book: The Lifetime Soundtrack

Chapter: Introduction

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.33117


The introduction to the book will provide the reader with a foundational view of memory studies, and position investigations into musically motivated memories within this field. It will encourage the understanding of memory as an interdisciplinary domain where concepts from the scientific study of memory can be harnessed to produce a holistic appreciation. An overview of central tenets of the research will be given here, including ideas such as the Lifetime Soundtrack, mediated memory, personal memory, and narrative; these are noted here and elaborated upon in Chapter 1. This section of the book will provide a discussion on broader elements of media interaction with memory, thereby contextualising the occurrence of musical memories in the everyday. It will also define the boundaries of the research, including definitions of key terms. The method of data collection and the demographic of research participants will be briefly described, with the purpose of legitimising the research on which the book is based. The Introduction will also provide an overview of the remaining chapters, including the main topics and discussions taking place in each.

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