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Book: Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway

Chapter: LARM Investigations in Inner Finnmark 2: Small Investigations in Western Finnmark and Investigations of House-Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana River Valleys, Eastern Finnmark

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.33996


9.1. General Introduction

9.2. Investigations of House-Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik River Valley, Eastern Finnmark

9.3. Investigations of House-Pits in the Deatnu/Tana River Valley, Eastern Finnmark

9.4. Small-Scale Investigations in Guovdageáidnu/Kautokeino, Láhpojohka and Sennalandet, Western Finnmark

9.5. Discussion of Landscape Use

Chapter Contributors

  • Marianne Skandfer ([email protected] - mskandfer) 'Tromsø Museum – The University Museum, UIT - The Arctic University of Norway'
  • Bryan Hood ([email protected] - bryanhood) 'UiT'