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Book: Digital L2 Writing Literacies

Chapter: Transforming L2 Writing: New Writing Tools, New Genres, New Ways of Writing

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.34287


Chapter 2 focuses on the new digital tools that can be used in L2 writing and on how they open up new digital genres that require a deeper understanding of the linkages of language to sociolinguistic and cultural norms. The emergence of these tools and genres raises the question of how to address digital multimodality in the L2 context and how to equip L2 writers with the appropriate linguistic and rhetorical knowledge to ensure their successful participation in a wide range of new and distinctive discourse practices. The authors stress the need for language teachers and researchers to understand the influence that the affordances of the various tools have on writing processes, on content and linguistic development, on multimodal composition. and on the interactions that L2 writers have with their audience. Practical examples are provided to illustrate how to incorporate new tools and their corresponding genres into language courses.

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