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Book: Assessment Across Online Language Education

Chapter: 7. Face-to-Face Teacher to Online Course Developer

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.34391


Even though many teacher development programs now include online learning, the question of whether these teachers are ready for online course development still remains. It has been well documented that language teachers need a working knowledge of information and communications technology (Gilbert, 2013; Stickler & Emke, 2015). This leads to the challenge of how best to prepare teachers for online course design. Most studies have focused on what the teacher does during the online course with much emphasis to date being placed on technological competence. This small scale study seeks to show that readiness for online is as much about the values and beliefs of the teacher as it is about their digital literacy skills (technological competence) and the implications this has for assessing a teacher’s readiness for online course development.

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