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Book: Assessment Across Online Language Education

Chapter: 11. Toward Technology-enhanced Alternative Assessment for Online Language Education

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.34395


Latest developments in technologically rich environments (TREs) for language learning and teaching have prompted the need for innovative assessments to measure and support whole learning experiences, including not only cognitive but also social, affective, and contextual dynamics that influence learners’ developmental trajectories. To address this need, we argue for a reform in traditional online assessment practices that often rely solely on quizzes, discussion boards, and course grades. We instead promote technology-enhanced alternative assessments to help account for the dynamic, multifaceted experiences taking place in TREs. Supporting our call is a discussion of the current roles of technology in designing and developing alternative language assessments. We then provide considerations for implementing technology-enhanced alternative assessments, including theoretical recommendations and evidence-based model discovery. A more comprehensive understanding of learning experiences in TREs has the potential to complement traditional approaches to assessment and aid in efforts to simultaneously integrate learning and assessment into online language education.

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