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Book: Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works

Chapter: Dudjom Rinpoche's Work on the Ultra Secret Razor (yang gsang spu gri) Vajrakīlaya

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.35851


Dudjom Rinpoche's training with lamas of the Mindroling (smin grol gling) Monastery in Central Tibet is of importance in understanding his participation in and contributions to the broad Nyingma heritage. This chapter looks at three sets of notes on the practice of the Guru Chöwang Ultra Secret Razor Vajrakīlaya, as performed at Mindroling, which Dudjom Rinpoche compiled, together with his mentors at Mindroling. The influence of this practice tradition on Dudjom Rinpoche's other writings is a recurring theme in the book.

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