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Book: Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works

Chapter: The Dudjom Vajrakīlaya Heritage: Dudjom Lingpa's Vajrakīlaya Cycles

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.35853


Dudjom Lingpa's revelatory productions form the subject matter of Chapter 6, with particular attention given to his Vajrakīlaya works, especially the cycles of the Sealed Secret Heart Practice (thugs sgrub gsang ba'i rgya can) and the Sugata Essence (bde gshegs snying po), both of which Dudjom Rinpoche worked on. Some of Dudjom Lingpa's Vajrakīlaya texts outside these two main cycles also provide materials which Dudjom Rinpoche was to integrate into his compilations; one example is considered at length.

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