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Book: Queering the English Language Classroom

Chapter: Troubling Normative Curricular Materials

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.36312


Chapter four begins by discussing how many mainstream curricular materials (e.g., textbooks, media, etc.) present students with heteronormative views of the world. It will then highlight for the reader how this heteronormativity can create issues in the language learning classroom. It will then present how to purposefully queer existing curricular materials so that students can begin to explore both linguistic and cultural issues related to LGBTQ+ identity options in the local context. This chapter also returns to the work of Robert O’Mochiaim, Greg Curran, and Thorsten Merse to provide educators with a practical framework for developing their own, locally relevant materials to help queer the language classroom.

Chapter Contributors

  • Joshua Paiz ( - hpaiz) 'New York University (NYU) Shanghai NYU Silver School of Social Work'