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Book: Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng

Chapter: Same Chan Master, Different Images: The Story of Huineng and its Translations

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.36321


2.1 Huineng’s story in the Platform Sutra
2.2 Experiential meaning: what does Huineng do?
2.2.1 Transitivity
2.2.2 Participant roles of Huineng: his image through actions
2.3 Interpersonal meaning: how does Huineng interact with others?
2.4 Textual meaning: how does the story of Huineng unfold?
2.4.1 Theme
2.4.2 Huineng’s thematic status and ways of storytelling
2.5 Conclusion

Chapter Contributors

  • Hailing Yu ([email protected] - hailing) 'Department of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hunan University'