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Book: Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng

Chapter: Conclusion

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.36328


9.1 An overview: the image of Huineng in each translation

9.1.1 The image of Huineng in Wong’s translation

9.1.2 The image of Huineng in Heng’s translation

9.1.3 The image of Huineng in Cleary’s translation

9.1.4 The image of Huineng in Cheng’s translation

9.2 Why the different images: contextual considerations

9.2.1 Source text

9.2.2 Wong Mou-lam (1930)

9.2.3 Heng Yin (1977)

9.2.4 Thomas Cleary (1998)

9.2.5 Cheng Kuan (2011)

9.2.6 Summary

9.3 Implications of the study

9.3.1 Implications for translation studies

9.3.2 Implications for systemic functional linguistics

9.3.3 Implications for studies of Chan and the Platform Sutra

9.4 Concluding remarks

Chapter Contributors

  • Hailing Yu ([email protected] - hailing) 'Department of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hunan University'