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Book: What to Remember, What to Teach

Chapter: Multimodality and Historical Evidentiality: The Space of Symbolic Images in the Transmission of Memory in Textbooks

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.37657


Chapter 5 focuses on multimodality and historical evidentiality. In this chapter I take particularly into consideration the space that symbolic images have in the transmission of memory in history classroom interactions and in history textbooks. In order to carry out this analysis, as previously mentioned, the selected verbal and visual construction of historical evidentiality is key to the building of historical explanations in both history classroom interactions and history textbooks. Therefore, I explore the space that symbolic images have in the transmission of memories and the particular status of photographs and other visuals incorporated in textbooks and as part of classroom material, as pedagogic semiotic artifacts.

Chapter Contributors

  • Teresa OteĆ­za ([email protected] - toteiza) 'Pontifical Catholic University of Chile'