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Book: Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity

Chapter: 4. Openness towards the Religious Other in Buddhism

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.38392


This chapter argues that in Buddhism—irrespective of the religious other’s understanding of ultimate reality—there is potential for fruitful exchange and common ground with other religions. For the peaceful and respectful coexistence of religious communities it is crucial to address—and not to exclude or minimize—the different views of their respective religious truths. Cultivating an inner attitude of benevolence and openness will prove advantageous for our interaction with others. Three central Buddhist teachings are analyzed in view of their potential for openness towards the religious others in theory and in practice: the Four Immeasurables, the Skill in Liberative Technique and the Two Truths. These teachings, although not explicitly spoken about, still have the potential to generate openness towards and elaborate on the religious other with reference to modern societies in the 21st century.

Chapter Contributors

  • Carola Roloff ([email protected] - croloff) 'Academy of World Religions, University of Hamburg'